Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Meri-Porin uimahalli
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Pyhtään Kulttuuritalo
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Akaa-Volley ry
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Akaa Futsal
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Suomen kansallisooppera ja -baletti
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Oivallusvaara Oy
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Iisalmen uimahalli
- Accessible parking
- Clear signage on the premises
- Esteetön siirtyminen tilasta toiseen
- Esteetön wc ja sauna
- EU:n vammaiskortti + A merkintä oikeuttaa kortin haltijan lisäksi myös avustajan maksuttomaan sisäänpääsyyn uimahallin allasosastolle kuntosalille ja ohjatun liikunnan ryhmiin
- EU:n vammaiskortti oikeuttaa kortin haltijan maksuttomaan sisäänpääsyyn uimahallin allasosastolle kuntosalille ja ohjatun liikunnan ryhmiin
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Jumppa-altaassa allasnostin
- Opaskoiran koiraparkki
Porin Maauimala
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Porin keskustan uimahalli
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Suomen jääkärimuseo
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Kauhavan puukko- ja tekstiilimuseo
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Duudsonit Activity Park Seinäjoki
- Accessible entrance
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants