Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Finnkino Omena
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS)
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
Järvenpää Ice Hall
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
G Livelab Helsinki
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
Museum Centre Vapriikki
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
Cinema Studio 123
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Turku Philharmonic Orchestra
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Aquatic centre Sampola
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Kolilla oy, Purnutar A
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Theatre PROvinssi
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Holiday Club Kuusamon Tropiikki
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Savonlinna Central Library Joeli
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Induction loop