Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Kuopio Animal Park Oy
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Saarijärvi swimming pool-gym Aarresaari
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Swimming pool KitinVapari
- 2 pool lifts: for 25m pool and multi-purpose pool
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Theatre Retikka
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Kaunisniemi Summer Theatre
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Cinema Retikka
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Exhibition Centre WeeGee
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Pukkivuoren laskettelurinne
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Kino Hirvi
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Meri-Porin uimahalli
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
Pyhtään Kulttuuritalo
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Akaa-Volley ry
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand
Suomen kansallisooppera ja -baletti
- Accessibility information on the website
- Accessible entry and passage from one space to another
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilet
- Clear signage on the premises
- Free entry for assistants with the Disability Card
- Free entry with A-marking for assistants
- Induction loop
- Wheelchair spaces in the grandstand